
Research and Special Projects

Research and Special Projects

We welcome the opportunity to manage any people-oriented project you wish. This may involve reviewing and rewriting learning and development policies, conducting unique independent research projects or developing cultural change programs.


Organisation Development Audits

If you need to assess the current effectiveness of your organisation development function, or looking for an objective evaluation of how your strategy and operations are performing, we can help.

We conduct organisation development audits (ODAs), examining how your organisation development strategy impacts the efficiency, innovation and productivity of your business. Our report provides a rating on all organisation development indicators (ODIs) selected and recommendations for improvement.

Change Management

Cultural resistance to change is strongest in organisations with a history of poorly managed change or growth and hierarchical structures where decisions are made top-down without consultation.

CM³ is an ingenious approach using three coaching masters; it’s more than change management. Most importantly it’s about the collective skills of three in Relationships, Planning, Executive Engagement that you can harness to create monumental change in your organisation!

Talent Retention Program

Most companies spend considerable portions of their budgets on talent attraction, recruitment and induction, but once employees are on-board, their initial star attraction is soon forgotten and they struggle for recognition or opportunities.

Dr Butera has identified four key methods of keeping quality staff. We can assess how your management practices stack up against each of the four key criteria. We can also help you implement a Talent Retention strategy in record time and at minimal cost.